Wordism - Minimalistic game of words

Right at the beginning of the pandemic, I was put on furlough for around three weeks and decided to spend that time creating something concrete with Defold, as I had only played with it in my spare time.
It was a fun experience but as soon as I got back to work my attention shifted somewhere else.
While cleaning up my disk a few weeks ago I’ve found the game (at that time called Woords) and decided to spend a couple of days putting a nice ribbon around it and releasing it.

It’s free, has six play modes and is a fairly unbalanced and probably bland game but the development journey I have to say has been really smooth.

You can get it here if you have 5 mins to spare:


And it will probably take 5 mins to remove it too :rofl:

Have fun!


It looks great! Any plans to release the game for other platforms?

It looks really good. I like the minimal and elegant design

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I randomly showed Wordism to my daughter while we were waiting in line somewhere and now she’s absolutely hooked :slight_smile:
she loves the ‘daily’ and the one with questions. she deeply hates that there are timers.
on my side, I love that there are no ads or microtransactions (and that my daughter is learning new english words).

ok it’s not a breakthrough in game science, but I think there’s potential. good job :slight_smile:


Ahah thanks a lot. I agree with everything and I’m actually quite surprised people still like it considering all.

I’ll probably release it on github at some point even though there are things code wise that I find horrible :rofl: