What Facebook SDK version does Defold use? (DEF-3297)

The Release Notes topic Defold 1.2.63 has been released states support has been added for “Facebook SDK 4.x”. What is “x”? Is it >= 19?

v4.19 introduced automatic logged events which is important for analytics!

My interpretetation of that is that it supports any update to the Facebook SDK post 4.0, i.e. always the most recent one. I have no experience with using the SDK, however, so perhaps someone more senior will know. Have you tried testing using the automatically logged events in Defold?

We use Facebook SDK 4.4.0.

I think it is about time we upgrade the SDK. Created ticket: DEF-3297

Note: It is our plan to move the Facebook support out of the engine and into a native extension to allow you guys in the community to help out with updates or do your own updates and changes in a fork.

WHAT?! 4.4 is 3 years old!

I’m trying to switch over from GameMaker in the hopes that Defold will provide better mobile support. GM provides an outdated Facebook extension but it is possible for users to update the SDK.

How can I track the status of DEF 3297?

Yes. Exactly. It is a stable and supported version. One might argue that we should always upgrade all of our SDKs and third party libs to the latest versions, but if something works, is stable and supported and doesn’t contain any security vulnerabilities then there is little point in upgrading unless you need more recently released features. Which is the case you are making now and the reason I created the ticket.


I updated my previous comment.

You can’t. It’s an internal issue tracker. I’m writing the issue number here so that we (community and Defold devs) have a common number/code to refer to when this is discussed in the future, and also for us and you to search the forum when this is mentioned elsewhere (like in release notes).

This is our long term plan as well.


Is there any news on the Facebook SDK update?

For a new game that I recently setup on Facebook, I am getting this warning message:
“Your Facebook SDK is out-of-date. Please upgrade to v5.0 for access to new privacy features.”

An update of the Facebook SDK is very much appreciated :slight_smile:

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It’s on its way. You can test it here already:


That’s great! Thank you so much!

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