What do you guys think is a good LUA tutorial?

Can you point me to a LUA tutorial that’s for people who know what code is (yes guys i know that A == 2; B == A*2 is valid.) but does not throw me in the deep end?

thanks. sorry if i sound uneducated i only know of the source engine, and fiddled with its console. thats my only exposure to lua. and i just learned about defold about an hour ago…

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Reading the manual was really all I needed when I first learned: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html

Otherwise, most of the intricacies and little details were learned through trial and error and making lots of mistakes. Also learned some from reading through modules in Defold’s asset portal: https://defold.com/assets/


…and if you want to try something simple out real quick without adding it into whatever you’re working on at the moment, you can use the codepad.

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I really enjoyed learning Lua via the CS50 course videos (I believe these are from Harvard Univesity):


This is in the “big list of lua resources” posted above, but personally helped me as a programmer new to Lua: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/lua/