Websocket message handling

I used defold-websocket by britzel

I am having problem with handling on_message:

global_ws:on_message( function(message)
		print("Received message", message)
		msg = split(message,"/*^*/")
		if tonumber(msg[1]) == 9001 then
			print ("Room Joined")

I am trying to split the incoming message using this split function

function split(s, sep)
	local fields = {}
	local sep = sep or " "
	local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
	string.gsub(s, pattern, function(c) fields[#fields + 1] = c end)
	return fields

It works, and I am able to see the output:

    DEBUG:SCRIPT: Cursor out	hash: [/instance4]	hash: [green]	68.5	190.5
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: Cursor over	hash: [/instance3]	hash: [green]	79.5	171.5
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: Pressed	hash: [/instance3]	hash: [green]	113.5	125.5
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: Clicked	hash: [/instance3]	hash: [green]	115.5	124.5
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: calc
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: Released	hash: [/instance3]	hash: [green]	115.5	124.5
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: 9001/*^*/Unknown-2824 joined the room. > 10
    { --[[0000020C99703D50]]
      1 = "9001",
      2 = "Unknown-2824 joined the room. > 10"
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: 1	9001
    DEBUG:SCRIPT: 2	Unknown-2824 joined the room. > 10

(as I am modifying https://github.com/britzl/defold-input/tree/master/examples/cursor project to fit my need )

It throws error asap I move my mouse away from Any button.

DEBUG:SCRIPT: 2	Unknown-2824 joined the room. > 10
ERROR:SCRIPT: /in/cursor.lua:16: attempt to call field 'url' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	/in/cursor.lua:16: in function 'url_to_key'
	/in/cursor.lua:22: in function 'trigger'
	/in/cursor.script:97: in function 'trigger_event'
	/in/cursor.script:169: in function </in/cursor.script:114>

Why is cursor unable to find url_to_key?

This is the UI:

  1. I copy room name into clipboard and paste it into the Game using the clipboard icon.
  2. I click on Host button to Join room ( App auto connects to WSS at launch )
  3. I can see it joined the room as server sends back confirmation (where split received message happens)
  4. Then I move my mouse away from HOST button, and UI freeze and Debug screen spams with cursor url error thing.

This works though:

global_ws:on_message( function(message)
		print("Received message", message)
		local fields = {}
		local sep = "/*^*/"
		local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
		string.gsub(message, pattern, function(c) fields[#fields + 1] = c end)
		if tonumber(fields[1]) == 9001 then
			print ("Room Joined")

Oh, I would really recommend that you switch to the official WebSocket extension which we released just a few weeks ago:

It’s better in every way. The defold-websocket library can still be used but should be considered as deprecated.

For some reason Native Websocket Extension library does not play well with python websocket server.

In yours, I am able to join room and server accepts the cmd and sends reply back to all connected clients.
But, in Native version server receives the cmd but does nothing.
I see nobody join the room in HTML client as well.

Perhaps you need to use text mode?


These are issues which we definitely want to solve. Please create tickets for these in the extension repo!