Web profiler show wrong info (DEF-1489) (SOLVED)

Web profile show that frame use 43ms to render. But in game profiler show 16 ms. Also web profiler show 37ms to VSync. What is it?

I have no idea, the numbers shown should come from the exact same source. In the web profiler, do the numbers fluctuate? Does it vary between 43 and 16? Is it different when you measure the game from the web profiler, while the on-screen profiler is being shown?

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show 40-43 ms

I test another pc and get

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Weird. Is it possible that you have several engine instances running simultaneously?

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I have only one dmengine.exe in Task Manager

I filed an issue for this (DEF-2818) and moved it to Bugs category.

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This seems to be a problem of an already filed bug, where the cpu clock frequency (windows os only) is hardcoded in the profiler form. I noticed this when profiling at home some time ago an got the wrong stats in the web profiler.


what is profiler form? Where i can check this? Can i fixed this in my pc?

Unfortunately not. It’s however fixed for upcoming release 1.2.111.
Hope that helps!


And Defold 1.2.111 has been released! Rejoice!


Thx, profiler working :grinning: