Has the .gitignore file been changed?
What if you remove the .git and .gitignore file and try to open the project?
Has the .gitignore file been changed?
What if you remove the .git and .gitignore file and try to open the project?
I haven’t changed anything. I will try to delete .gitignore (but I don’t see .git)
Nothing changed
Ah, you downloaded the project as a zip file from GitHub (as opposed to cloning the repo)?
Could you please also try to launch Defold from a terminal so that we see the output easily?
$ /Applications/Defold.app/Contents/MacOS/Defold
Yes, downloaded as zip. But also in the past I have done so and they ran fine.
I launched Defold from the command line: I see this strange lines at the end
2020-07-03 23:23:35.773 Defold[722:10377] WARNING: NSWindow drag regions should only be invalidated on the Main Thread! This will throw an exception in the future. Called from (
0 AppKit 0x00007fff3365e575 -[NSWindow(NSWindow_Theme) _postWindowNeedsToResetDragMarginsUnlessPostingDisabled] + 371
1 AppKit 0x00007fff33645ed5 -[NSWindow _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:contentView:] + 1416
2 AppKit 0x00007fff33645947 -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 42
3 libnativewindow_macosx.jnilib 0x000000013d74b3fe Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_CreateNSWindow0 + 398
4 ??? 0x000000010f4b1950 0x0 + 4551547216
But I haven’s still opened the project, now Defold ask me to select a project.
Please go ahead and open the project again.
Now magically there is no error in the editor! The full project is loaded but, don’t relax yet!
As soon as I launch the project I see a crash…
INFO:DLIB: Log server started on port 50358
INFO:CRASH: Successfully wrote Crashdump to file: /Users/roccochirivi/Library/Application Support/Defold/_crash
EDIT: and the crash file is not readably by a human…
This is the FMOD project? What about the other projects you couldn’t open?
Yes, the fmod project. Tomorrow I will try playfab and nakama. Now my brain needed a break and I went out to a pub. Should you be in Salento (Italy) I would offer you a beer. Your help is always incredible!
FMOD is a native extension and the crash can have any number of explanations.
Both of these are pure Lua extensions. They should not hard crash the engine. Please let me know how it goes.
Oh, I’d love that! And if you’re in Stockholm I have a cold beer waiting as well!
Also playfab and nakama open fine from command line but both give the same instant crash with the same log of fmod.
Should I clone the projects from github instead of downloading the zip? I do remember I have always downloaded the zip and both fmod and playfab worked fine: opening normally and running without any issue.
I am very confused by this. This happens when you clone or download (doesn’t really matter) the PlayFab or Nakama example and try to build it?
Or does it happen when you add PlayFab and Nakama as a project dependency?
Could you try something else, like Defold-RichText? (https://github.com/britzl/defold-richtext). Download it, unzip, open and run it.
Fmod, richtext, playfab, nakama always the same problem. This is what I do:
I am just trying the example project in each case, not including the library in another project.
On the other hand, the project of my game loads and runs fine! thank goodness!
Ok, could you please also try https://github.com/britzl/defold-richtext
Which version of Defold are you using? Help->About Defold
Next step to get to the bottom of this is to take a look at the generated _crash file.
Exactly. It’s a crash dump in binary format. You read it like this:
Could you please share your _crash file with me?
Thanks! Should I use the crashloader to read it and then send the output to you? It seems to me that I cannot upload it directly here.
EDIT: Ah! But the crashloader is again a project on github! It will not work for sure…
Could you please send me an e-mail address via a DM?
You only need to use something similar to the code I shared to read the file. crash.load_previous() will load an existing crash file and let you use the crash.* functions to read info about the crash.
Send it to bjorn@defold.se
Sent! Thanks!