Using Tiled Object Layers with Defold Tilemaps

I wrote a blog post about this. I’m not saying that this solution is the perfect way to do it. However, it does make it happen and cleans up several of the problems associated with the way I chose to do it so that the end result is a very painless workflow.

Please let me know what you think and if you think there is anything I should edit or know about. I’m well known for doing things the hard way the first time around.


Thank you for sharing this! I decided to add a section about external tools in the Tilemap manual, and also added a link to your blog post:


Oh nice!

I think the people over at Tiled would think that I should be writing a custom MapFormat and serializing only what I want to the JSON and then I wouldn’t need as many steps to set this up.

But… the end result is still seamless workflow.