(SOLVED) Uncaught RuntimeError: Aborted(Assertion failed: g_Window, at: ../src/platform_window_glfw.cpp,88,OnWindowFocus)

I have an error in the JavaScript console when building for HTML5.

["abort@ line 308 > injectedScript:1:10649","___assert_fail@ line 308 > injectedScript:1:17050","@ line 234 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[3180]:0x1662c4","onFocusChanged@ line 308 > injectedScript:1:231082","onBlur@ line 308 > injectedScript:1:231183",""]]
[post-exception status] Exception thrown, see JavaScript console dmloader.js:724:40
Uncaught RuntimeError: Aborted(Assertion failed: g_Window, at: ../src/platform_window_glfw.cpp,88,OnWindowFocus). Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.
    abort line 308 > injectedScript:1
    ___assert_fail line 308 > injectedScript:1
    onFocusChanged line 308 > injectedScript:1
    onBlur line 308 > injectedScript:1
line 308 > injectedScript:1:10649

I have no idea when this issue started happening. I now realize that I should have been testing builds frequently, but it’s too late for that, as I haven’t been doing it at all.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Making my GLSL shaders and render script default
  • Following instruction from this thread, which has a similar error message, but different environments (in my case this is just a local dev server) Discord

I was told on Discord that you’re working on better wasm debugging tools. But I was hoping someone here has some ideas because I am out of them.

This was the link I meant to share Web Builds do run on Itch.io (Solved- use distclean between builds) - #4 by mylab6

This post was made as a result of me over looking obvious information in the stack trace. It was a problem with a library that was failing before and I was tunneling visioning on the bottom error.

You can remove / close this thread if you want since it will lead to bad searches.

Or if nothing else, if you have this problem, possibly scroll up and read the rest of the log :slight_smile:


Thanks for letting us know, I marked the headline with (SOLVED) :+1: