Unable to view gui nodes

I am new to Defold, but have used other frameworks, and Lua, for a couple of decades.

I am creating my first application, following fairly closely the “Defold Tutorial #6 - Graphic User Interface”, but making my own buttons. I have not gone to the animation yet.

The problem I am having is that most of the nodes do not show up when I do build. Specifically, the background shows up, and 1 and sometimes 2 box nodes, but when I add a third node, it does not show up. The nodes are pretty much identical except for the location. Some. nodes are box with text, some are images, makes no differnce. The first ones created show up, later creations do not.

In the attached script, I can find and enable the missing nodes.

I am using 3 layers, and all of the nodes are in the middle layer.

Deleting the background node or layer makes no difference.

I don’t know what to look for.

Not sure what I did that made a difference, but it suddenly started working. I deleted all the nodes that weren’t working and carefully created each again, careful to save and test after each one. I made sure that no node was ‘open’ when I added new ones. I wish I knew what made them not work then work.

Perhaps you unchecked the Enabled or Visible checkbox?

Certainly not that. I was very careful about those two, and even put ‘enabled’ and ‘visible’ commands in the lua init code for missing nodes. I thoroughly compared back&forth the nodes that were working and those not. Only differences were location and color.

It all seems to be working now. Maybe this is a throttle for new programmers. Anyway, have not had any problems since my last post. I am careful to save after every new node added, though I doubt that is relevant.