Unable to install iOS Application from Defold (SOLVED)

Hi there,

When I export my game to iOS application with code signing etc…it’s all good but when I try to install it on my iPhone 5C it doesn’t work. It starts to install the app and then at, like, 75% it disapears.

I’ve succeed to install it only one time but I can’t anymore.

Someone already has encountered this issue ? :frowning:


That is usually a problem with provisioning profiles. You might have an old one on your phone that causes problems.


Okay just had this problem, and found a fix.

  1. Make sure the UDID of the device is correct
    2.(The fix) when selecting a code signing identity make sure it is “iPhone Developer : account info”

I would like to recommend this little OS X plugin: https://github.com/chockenberry/Provisioning

It will let you inspect provisioning profiles through OS X QuickLook, ie. just pressing space with the file selected. It reveals information of devices/certs included and expiration date. You can even open up your resulting bundled iOS and have a look at the embedded provisioning profile file to see that it’s correct. :thumbsup:


In fact I have a free account so I can’t manage my provisionning profiles :confused:
how can I do ?

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I think you should be able to download your free provisioning profile file, check out this guide: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/getting_started/installation/device_provisioning/free-provisioning/

(I haven’t tried it myself though. :slight_smile: )

Thanks for the tuto for free profisioning profile but it still doesn’t install on my iphone :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Ok, so when you bundle for iOS what Code Signing Identity do you choose? It’s either an iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution identity. This code signing identity needs to match the provisioning profile that you select when you bundle your app.

Next sign in to https://developer.apple.com/account
Click on Certificates, Ids and Profiles
Select Provisioning Profiles
Make sure you have a Provisioning Profile that:

  1. Has an App ID that matches the bundle id you specify in game.project
  2. Uses a certificate matching the code signing identity
  3. Includes the device that you are trying to install your app to

Note that none of this is Defold specific. The same kind of rules apply to any iOS app that you bundle and install.

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As I said I only have a free account so I can’t manage my provisioning profiles on my account.

To get my provisioning profile I create an empty project on xcode with the same name and same bundle identifier that I have on my defold project and I follow the process that sven gave me but it still doesn’t work…

Isn’t it a bug from defold ?

I exchanged some PM with @Prawn, and we got it working by using the “***.app***” file instead of “***.ipa***” that is generated in the bundle step.

I’m not sure why it sometimes does not work by using the IPA file, might be something we should look into, but marking this thread as solved.



Can you please post the solution ?
I have the same problem and iTunes was able to use this application before.
I maked a new App ID and a new Provisionning Profile but the result is the same.
I can’t sign my application too so now I can’t use my application on iPhone :frowning:
I upgraded my to iPhone to IOS 10 today so I hope that IOS 10 is still compatible with my Delfold application.


Open xcode and use it to download / updating all of your signing information. Check your keychain and delete anything old which may be interfering.

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It works now ! Thank you very much for your response.
I made 2 handling but I don’t know which of them have solved my issue.
I first opened an old project in Xcode tried to compile it. I got a provisioning team profile error so I had to choose a team provisioning profile in the signing field in the general tab in order to compile it.
The second action I made is to open the “Xcode -> Preferences > Accounts -> View Details…” window and download the new provisioning profile I created today.
I think the second action have solved my issue but I’m not sure about that.
But the most important thing that it also solved my iOS signing issue in Defold !
I can go to bed and have an good night now :slight_smile: