"Unable to Sign application" (SOLVED)


I don’t seem able to sign and upload my iOS game to the Defold Dashboard, this is the error message I encounter:

Strange, could you try restarting the editor? I have seen similar problems related to binaries that we output to temporary folders sometimes being removed if the editor is run for a long while. :slight_smile:

Still not working, even restarted the computer :frowning:

Seems there might be something wrong when generating an iOS bundle too?

When trying to install them via iTunes I get stuck on “installing”

When trying to install via Xcode I get “CFBundleExecutable” specifies a file that is not executable”

I was thinking that maybe I had spelled something wrong and noticed that my provisioning profile spells the project “fnake” and my project is named “Fnake”. When I change the project name to “fnake” to match the provision I get a build error with no further information…

Also, should I use an explicit provisioning profile or a wildcard one?

I’ve tried both and I get the same error…

Can you please give any advice? This issue is really blocking me and I don’t know what to try next…

(Sorry not at a proper computer at the moment.) Could you try downloading a fresh copy of the editor, make sure there is no space in the path?

Regarding the profile, you should be able to use either a developer or distribution profile. You need to make sure you use the correct profile for the provisioning file.

If you run into the problem with the binary not being executable you should be able to do something like this in the terminal;

chmod +x "<app name>.app/<app name>"

Thank you so much for the reply!

I downloaded a fresh copy of the editor but still cannot build with the same error as the original post.

The terminal command did make a difference but still no luck. Now when I try to install from Xcode I get an “internal API error”…

Do I need to fill out the bundle identifier in the game.project file?

Is anything in this process case sensitive? I think it’s really weird I can’t even build the iOS bundle when I rename the project to fnake from Fnake…

@Carl_Horned: I’m fairly certain that you need to specify a bundle identifier. Could you also try to install ios-deploy and install using that tool?

ios-deploy -b your.ipa
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oufh… I can’t seem to install it and frankly I don’t know my way around the terminal that well :frowning:

There seems to be issues when installing it to El Capitan, pretty sure I have the latest versions of NPM and Node, and tried the workarounds listed in their Troubleshooting docs (except the giving permission to the “nobody” user, couldn’t figure that one out…)

Also for the bundle identifier I should just use copy the text from the App ID right? here’s an image of the two I’ve got, the top one is wildcard and the bottom one is explicit. I have tried both in the Bundle Identifier field but it makes no difference on the errors i’m experiencing.

You should use com.carlhorned.fnake in game.project. But other than that I have no real idea why it’s not working. Are you able to install a sample iOS app from XCode using the provisioning profile and identity you have set up on your machine?

That was an excellent Idea! What I learned was that I had to switch my USB cable from the old one I was using to a newer one!? Super weird since the iPhone seemed to connect fine in every other way!

Would still be awesome if you guys could fix the issue with the info.plist and the signing and uploading though! But at least I’m not blocked anymore! Thank you so much for all the help!

Is there some issue with Info.plist? And signing and uploading?

Yeah, it’s annoying to have to do the workaround mentioned by Sven above:

And then for some reason I’m unable to sign and upload the app, I get the error in the original post:



For information, I have the same issue. I was able to sign my app before but now I can’t.
The only change I made in the application is to modify its name in the title field in the “game.project” file.
I have also updated Mac OS and Xcode.
It’s not a big problem for me but maybe someone will be able to fix it…

Thank you

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It works now ! Thanks to Pkeod, I fixed this signing issue and iOS App install issue too.
Here is what I did in order to fix them :

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