TimeKeepers - Precision Pixel Platformer

I’ll be putting a request out on here for beta testers in a few weeks!


Getting close now!

All main content and connecting stuff is in and working well. A lot of detail work has been done in the past few weeks to polish things up and smooth out rough edges.

Only the dialog and finale remain the be completed.

Call for testers

If TimeKeepers looks like the type of game you’d enjoy and would like to help test please leave a comment below or DM me. Feedback on any issues you encounter or personal thoughts on the game would be appreciated.

Everyone who provides feedback will be offered a free copy of the finished game when it’s ready and their name in the credits (if they want). 3-4 people to help with this would be ideal but I guess the more the merrier! The Beta will be a Windows build.


This looks so great. My hands are itching to playtest this game. So yes, I would love to partipate :smiley:


Thanks to everyone who responded - I have enough people now.