Tilesource Collision Error (SOLVED)

When I try to setup my tilesource, it bugs up, asking for a previous image’s collision object. I used Yoda as the test subject. I tried a smaller image (Crust 1) as the image and collision shape, yet it still asks for the previous image’s collision object. I don’t believe a tilesource even needs a collision object, right? It just needs the image to make a collision shape, which is what I specified.

Am I incorrect in how I set up my tilesource, or is this a bug?

If you define an image for your Collision then you need to add a Collision Shape to the GO your tilemap is associated with. On the Collision Shape, you then define the tilemap.

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I’m not quite sure what happened. I made a new image tilemap, spaced it out correctly and used it as the image and collision parameter as well and problem solved? I think restarting the engine fixed it because I did the exact same thing with the other image which was having issues.

I’d guess maybe you added the collision shape without defining the tilemap on it the first time but would have to test to reproduce error since I don’t remember.

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