I’m getting back into using Defold more after a work hiatus using other gamedev tools, and it made me really want to thank the team for this amazing software and resources!!
I am very grateful for everyone here. The people at King who are funding and supporting this and making it free and available for the public to use. Defold is really, really good, and I know it’s thanks to those higher ups that it gets the support it needs to continue to get better. I believe that Defold’s future is really bright, and as more games are published which use it, its importance in the industry will be undeniable.
Those who have been working on the docs and making examples and libraries have been doing a very good job. I’m glad that it’s possible to contribute more to these directly now and I want to try to do that more. I’m looking forward to the new Defold site and community and hope it’s still making progress. It’s for sure getting easier and faster to get into using Defold productively.
Editor 2 is shaping up really nicely and those working on are making very good progress. I’ve filed a ton of issues and a ton of them have been fixed with constant fixes published often.
It’s great to see all of the new features and the majority of gripes I and others originally had being solved.
The native extension system is so good, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what we can make with the editor extensions.
The community is positive and helpful. There are many here who give back a ton and it really helps. It seems like most people who come here have a good experience.
I hope that Defold can have a long life and its community can grow. I’ll do all I can to support it which includes linking back to Defold in every game I publish made with it. I’m super glad to see that people who are publishing Defold based games doing this!! I hope that we can inspire more young people to check out Defold and get to making games!
Thank You! You know who you are! Let’s make some more games and help the Defold community to grow!