Editing .appmanifests for different stripping options is kind of a pain, so I wrote a little python script to automagically generate them from a list of options.
It’s an interactive command line program made with the “Cmd” module. You can enable and disable options from a list (“physics”, “record”, “profiler”, “facebook”, “release”, and “headless”), then call the ‘make_manifest’ command, and it will generate the appmanifest file. There’s full instructions built into the script.
This is basically my first time using python, so let me know if there are issues with it! I used python 2.7.9 because that’s what I already had installed on my computer from a while ago.
Grab the script here: https://github.com/rgrams/stripping_manifest_maker
Update: Britzl has made a convenient online version with a few more features here: https://britzl.github.io/manifestation/