I use gui node scaling and position animation to create character breathing effects. The face and head elements are separate nodes.
On macOS everything looks smooth as expected, but on the iOS device, the animation looks staggered. The first video is macOS, the second is iOS.
Gui node used as the template:
The code of breathing:
function RespectView:animate_breathing(direction)
gui.cancel_animation(self.emotion_node, 'scale.y')
gui.animate(self.emotion_node, 'scale.y', scale_y, go.EASING_INOUTSINE, duration, delay)
gui.cancel_animation(self.face_node, 'position.y')
gui.animate(self.face_node, 'position.y', position_y, go.EASING_INOUTSINE, duration, delay)
gui.animate(self.face_node, 'scale.x', scale_x, go.EASING_INOUTSINE, duration, delay, function()
RespectView.animate_breathing(self, not direction)
Any ideas to solve it?