Spine animation looks different on different platforms (DEF-3182) (SOLVED)

We have spine animation that we use as GUI animation.
How it looks like on Mac/PC:

The same animation on Android:

Color changing works on one platform and didn’t work on other.
I almost sure that problem with animation (color sets on a mesh, not on a bone), but my bug report is not about wrong behavior of animation. It is about the different experience on different platforms. It makes testing much harder.
Same experience on the different platforms is really important feature of Defold for me.

I agree. This is how it should be. Let’s ask @sven when he’s back on Monday.


Are both these videos from bundled versions of the game? Or is the video from macOS/Windows of a “Build and run” instead?

Could you share the Spine scene and textures so I could take a look? (You can of course share them via DM!)


on windows and mac it just cmd+b (build and run), on android a bundle.
I sent you spine scene in DM


This suggests that there is a discrepancy between the Editor 2 build pipeline and Bob.jar (which handles bundling from Ed2).

I’ll take a look at the spine scene you sent!

Edit: Found this issue, created a ticket: DEF-3182


Solved in 1.2.124