Spine 4.1

Spine Extension updated from Spine 4.0 to Spine 4.1 which means all the Spine models in your project should be re-exported to be able to use the newest 2.10.0 version of the extension.

This version supports sequences (Frame-by-frame animations) and is compatible with Defold 1.4.4+.

You can migrate your project when it’s comfortable for you, until then use Defold Spine Extension 2.9.1 which is also compatible with Defold 1.4.4+.

If you use Defold 1.4.3, then stay on an older version of the extension, e.g. 2.7.1 (see releases)


It you are building your project on CI (Linux) (e.g. GitHub) using bob, there are some new dependencies in this extension plugin which needs to be present:

apt-get install -y libopenal-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglw1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev

These are the same dependencies as the engine itself has.
This is a bit unfortunate, as there is ofc no need for the spine content builder to use the OpenAL driver etc. We will work on a fix in the future, but I have no real eta for a fix.