Hi guys
I was looking Defold tutorials and examples these days, one thing I don’t like about tutorials and examples is unusual sizes and scales in some of them, in Colorslide tutorial there are 4 tiled levels which are not the same in size, some level 4 objects are out of display window, one part of well done box is in game display with original window size and… i see this kind of size problem more in public example page. when we want to try those examples in browser, some of them are too big to see whole screen without zooming out the browser and some have scale problem after we try to play them in full screen mode. I know these are not complete game and are just to learn some features but maybe someone new to defold considers it as defold problem. maybe it’ll be not bot to verify some of them if you get some spare time.
@Navid can you please send me a link to a project that doesn’t work well on HTML5? And can you also tell me which browser and OS you are using?