Hello, here I present you my modest library for Defold, it is used to easily set the rotation of objects only in degrees or to rotate an object towards another object or position. I would be happy if it ever becomes a real part of the Defold.
-- This is the code for rotating object in degrees:
rotate(url, degrees)
-- example:
rotate(".", 90)
-- And this is the code for rotating to another object:
rotate(url, url 2)
-- url = url adress of object you want to rotate
-- url 2 = url adress of object you want to rotate to
-- example:
rotate(".", "go1")
And there is the full code of my small Lua library:
function rotate(from, to)
if tonumber(to) then
if to == nil then
to = go.get_id()
go.set(from, "euler.z", to)
local direction = go.get_position(to) - go.get_position(from)
local rotation = vmath.quat_rotation_z(math.atan2(direction.y, direction.x))
go.set_rotation(rotation, from)
I hope this will make development easier for you.
I wish you happy Defolding.