Simple Lua question? Maybe?

So I’m pretty new to Lua, but familiar with a few other languages. I just wanted some clarification on variable declaration/usage. Specifically looking at the Getting Started tutorial, part two (, hero.script. Some variables are stored as local variables (local gravity = 30), while some are stored on self (self.position = go.get_position())

This is just a little confusing to me, and I hope I’m just missing something simple. Why wouldn’t you just make all of these local variable, or “self.” variables?


It depends on how you wish to access the variable. If you declare a variable on self it will be available from everywhere in the script where you have a self reference. If you declare a variable as local it will be available within the scope in which it is declared. Here’s an example of the different scopes. Given a script my_script.script:

-- this value will be available from all scripts, gui_scripts and
-- modules (Lua files)
global_foo = "global scope"

-- this value will be shared by all my_script.script instances
local script_foo = "script scope"

function init(self, dt)
	-- this value will be available on this instance of my_script.script and
	-- after it's set here in init() = "self scope"

	-- this value will be available inside init() and after it's declaration
	local local_foo = "local scope"

function update(self, dt)
	print( -- "self scope"
	print(global_foo) -- "global scope"
	print(script_foo) -- "script scope"
	print(local_foo) -- will print nil, since local_foo is only visible from init()

You should also read up on and understand how variables can shadow each other:

foo = "global"
print(foo) -- will print "global"

local foo = "abc"
print(foo) -- will print "abc"

local function test(foo)
	print(foo) -- will print "fgh"

function init(self)
	local foo = "cde"
	print(foo) -- will print "cde"

Cool, thanks for the clarification. That really makes sense now

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