Showcasing 2D asset collection

Hi guys I’d love to share my 2d asset site with you all. I’ve been building this collection for over two years now and there’s got be at least two thousand assets on there in over five hundred packs.

Here’s the link before I waffle on!

During all this time I’ve really struggled to get the site out there,It’s honestly not well known. I’d love to know if anyone has ever heard of it or stumbled across it.

All the assets on the site are 2d, So it won’t interest most who are making 3d games.

The style is bright and colorful simplistic yet detailed at the same time, It’s obviously not to everybodies taste, but it’s quite universal and adaptive and there’s enough assets on there now to create entire games. Here are some images of the latest assets I just posted.

There are a mix of free and priced assets on the site, but I’m keeping everything incredibly affordable. If you’re making 2d games perhaps you could check it! any feedback is greatly appreciated!


This is great! I recommend adding a few of the collections (that are free) to our asset portal. You can then link back to your website from there.


Thanks for the reply, That’s a good idea, Now things are settled down after new year and christmas I’ll take some time to organise some stuff to add to the asset portal here.


Like your game art. Used some fish related in below new free Android game