Sheets Exporter

Sheets Exporter - CLI software for processing and save data from Google Sheets in seconds.

Sheets Exporter is the tool for download data from Google Sheets. In general way, it will download the json key-value structure, where first column is a ID and value is key-value map for this ID.

It’s not directly Defold related, but I’m wrote this and use for a lot my Defold projects about 2+ years. So I wanna share it with you. I hope it can save your time and optimize your workflow with game balance and localization.

Sure you can download CSV directly from Google Sheets and convert it to your file format or read CSV right in you game. This is tool for make this process easier and optimized for big amount of data.


  • Single command to download data from your Google Sheets
  • Save your data in JSON/LUA/CSV format
  • Use default data handlers to change your data in way your need
  • Use your custom handlers for your specific cases
  • Use hashtag # for comment rows or columns in Google Sheets
  • Use <> or [] for make arrays data in Google Sheets (need add convert_array handler)
  • Convert true or false (or Google checkbox values) values to json boolean values (need add convert_boolean handler)
  • Separate one Google list for several files (usage example: game localization)
  • Gather data from several Google lists in one file (for easier big data management)
  • Can process local files through handlers

The process to get your credentials and token is quite big, but you should do this once for your account. Hope my instructions is helpful for you: Installation Guide

For project you should create config file and rules files.

  • Config file - the file to describe the Google ID document, link for rules file and where to save.
  • Rule file - the file to describe what download and how it should be processed.

For easies initial config setup, sheets-exporter have utilities commands:
sheets-exporter init
sheets-exporter add_sheet {sheet_name} {sheet_id}
sheets-exporter add_rule {sheet_name} {list_name}



Thank you so much for this!