I am working on a game that controles the camera thru a camera script. Recently I changed it so it would follow the player but when the player got to an edge just stop moving so you can see the border without seeing it.
local border = {220, 30, -1500, -750}
if pos.x > border[1] then
pos.x = border[1]
if pos.x < border[3] then
pos.x = border[3]
if pos.y > border[2] then
pos.y = border[2]
if pos.y < border[4] then
pos.y = border[4]
A simple script in the camera script. I saved everything (So I though) and moved on with my day.
But today when I decided to add some more features I relized that the scrip I added was gone.
I tried to add it again and save but it dident show up on the “Changed files” list. I reloded and updated everythig but everytime I reloded the editor (editor 2) it disappeared. (This dident happend to any other file I changed)
Added text:
Saved, but nofing showed up in the changed files…
After reloding:
Plz help, I dont know what I did or how to fix it.