Well, this is the very first time I have tried Rive. And here is some early feedback.
I’ve reworked an idle animation from my Spine skeleton model in Rive. Here it’s in the Rive html5 preview:
This is what it looks like in Defold (pretty fine):
When I tried to build HTML5, there is a build error:
Not an issue at all, but touches on performance question:
Each mesh/object within Rive model generates one drawcall?
Also I found that duplicate on scene the same model make x2 to drawcalls.
one model: 10
two: 18
It looks the Spine component has much more optmized batching proccess. As far as I can remember, the same skeleton was rendered in 1 drawcall and duplicate models in world coordinates met the same drawcall.
Workflow or "Rive compare to Spine?"
It seems to me, I could be wrong of course, that Rive is much better than Spine for UI, splash screens and characters in mobile applications (ideal for make an app mascot like an owl in Duolingo ), and most importantly it has vector animation.
However, there are some compromises or things that are not obvious in Rive.
For example. I missed in the Rive documentation any mention of swapping images at runtime, or even just during animation (sequencing). What in Spine is called the slot and the attachments. And more generally, skins. I’m not sure if it’s possible to make a dressup doll now.
There are also questions about whether the IK system can be controlled at runtime, e.g. is it possible for a character’s hands with a weapon to follow the cursor. Maybe this is solved by state machines and the input system in Rive, I haven’t figured it out yet, and as far as I know we can’t pass inputs within the Rive component yet.
There are certain differences in the construction of the skeleton and the rigging model. You have to be careful when creating the bones and editing the mesh. I am a beginner, but a skilled caller of this image in the desktop version of Rive Editor :
Fortunately, the editor loads very quickly and all changes are synchronised with the cloud.
Overall, I find the Rive.app very interesting and promising for game development.