Rendercam - Universal Camera Library

Looking back through my post history, I think I summed it up here: Any plans for improve the camera? - #4 by ross.grams
#1 - Primarily:

So it is possible with the built-in camera component, but that conflicts with your point #3: Multiple Cameras. As you say, rendering with multiple cameras at once has lots of uses.

I really think there should be a separate step in the update loop specifically for updating cameras. After scripts, after messages, after animations, after physics…before rendering. Otherwise there’s always going to be some weird caveat where everything breaks.

“Enum” script properties with drop-downs seems like a trivial thing, but I think it would give all assets a big usability boost, and it’s those kinds of cool little features that motivate people like me to make assets in the first place. Generate custom game.project settings also falls in that category.

I think camera movement controllers—1st person, 3rd person, spring-arm collision, etc.—could be in separate assets. I don’t think it needs to be bound to the view/rendering stuff, it should just be moving a game object around. Plus it’s hard to do a one-size-fits-all script for those. You don’t want to lock people into too much at once. But those things should be pretty easy and fun to do.

The render script pipeline stuff is a bit more complicated, but I agree it would be great to have a nice system for that.

Is PBR and general 3D shader stuff still waiting on engine limitations? It’s been a while since I messed with that stuff.

Anyway. I just wanted to let you guys know the status. I don’t want anyone to get their hopes up too high. :defold: