I have encountered a weird behavior and I can’t figure it out. I am new to Defold but I have now spent my entire day trying to solve this issue. To me it is still a mystery.
The Problem:
When I change the input action name for the Spacebar input, for example from “space” to “shoot1” to “kaboom” I get different velocities for my bullets depending on the direction I am moving. The Bullets will either pick up the velocity of the parent game object (the intended behavior) or have no velocity (the bug).
I will provide the entire project on Github, it is a simple project with a 2k background image so the download shouldn’t be too bad if anyone would like to see the whole thing.
The trouble spot in code is in the PlayerController script involving line 26, 34 and 53 - 63.
But as I stated, simply altering the Input Action name for Spacebar in the Game.Input_Binding file will change the behavior on my Windows 10 Desktop.
Hopefully a wiser coder can show me what I’ve done wrong.
--velocity property
go.property("velocity", vmath.vector3(0,0,0))
go.property("Gun", msg.url())
go.property("FireRateInMS", 333)
go.property("ProjColor", vmath.vector4(1, 1, 1, 1))
go.property("ProjSpeed", vmath.vector3(0, 0, 0))
-- Declare Local Variables
local fireTimer = 0
function init(self)
-- Acquire Input Focus for the entier game object.
msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus")
fireTimer = 0
function update(self, dt)
fireTimer = fireTimer + dt
if fireTimer > 1000 then
fireTimer = 999
-- Update the arrowMove Character's Postion based on velocity and time since last update
go.set_position(go.get_position(".") + self.velocity * dt)
--self.velocity.x = 0
--self.velocity.y = 0
--for some reason this results in a bullet that will not take a velocity in the right or +x direction.
--comment out this line and the projectile will take on the right or +x velocity.
self.velocity = vmath.vector3(0,0,0)
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action_id == hash("up") then
self.velocity.y = 150
if action_id == hash("down") then
self.velocity.y = -150
if action_id == hash("left") then
self.velocity.x = -150
if action_id == hash("right") then
self.velocity.x = 150
pprint(self.velocity.x, self.velocity.y)
if action_id == hash("space") then
if fireTimer > self.FireRateInMS / 1000 then
fireTimer = 0
local pos = go.get_position(".")
pos.z = pos.z - 0.1
local rot = go.get_rotation(".")
local vel = self.velocity
factory.create(self.Gun, pos, nil, {color = self.ProjColor, BulletVelocity = vel})