Random crash at boot

I’m getting a strange crash when building the project. I tried also launching the build without basically any significant calls (virtually empty executing code).

The crash reports this log file.
_crash.txt (50.0 KB)

If I had to guess I would say it’s related to the texturepacker extension maybe, but anyone has a better guess?

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Which version of Defold are you using, and which version of texture packer?

0   dmengine                            0x00000001050936c4 _ZN7dmCrash7OnCrashEi + 104
1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x000000019223f584 _sigtramp + 56
2   AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer            0x000000011055b93c _ZN13GLDTextureRec18uploadTextureLevelEjjjjjjjjjjjjjP12GLDBufferRecPhiiiU13block_pointerFPU30objcproto19MTLCommandBufferSPI11objc_objectvEU13block_pointerFvS4_jEU13block_pointerFvU13block_pointerFvvEESC_PK15GLDPixelModeRecbb + 2348
3   AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer            0x000000011058bc40 gldModifyTexSubImage + 1920
4   GLEngine                            0x00000001e9174800 glTexImage3D_Exec + 1632
5   dmengine                            0x0000000104ee5c34 _ZN10dmGraphicsL16OpenGLSetTextureEyRKNS_13TextureParamsE + 1280
6   dmengine                            0x0000000104ee8560 _ZN10dmGraphicsL20AsyncProcessCallbackEPvS0_ + 60
7   dmengine                            0x0000000105030460 _ZN11dmJobThreadL9JobThreadEPv + 248
8   dmengine                            0x000000010503def4 _ZN8dmThreadL16ThreadStartProxyEPv + 48
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x000000019220ef94 _pthread_start + 136
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x0000000192209d34 thread_start + 8

The crash file shows that the crash originates from Defold 1.9.4 on macOS.

@Alessio_Perrotti when did this start happening? Have you tried updating Defold to a newer version?

Did you get any other output in the log?

Defold 1.9.4 and Texturepacker 1.3

It started happening yesterday. The only major change I can think of is that I started using multi paged atlases from texture packer. Also I needed a custom material… made a copy from “gui_paged_atlas.material” with the only difference in the field “Max Atlas Pages” set to 6.

I get a popup window with the crash report data. Copied over a text file for simplicity:
Defold crash report.txt (79.3 KB)

Updated to version 1.9.6 and the crash seems not happening anymore. Though now quite few GUI elements positions have been messed strangely…

It seems like some gui nodes children don’t respect the relative position from the parent. For instance I got a button node with 2 children, 1 text and one box for the asset.

The parent node is positioned correctly at whatever position but the asset child has an offset from the parent, even though it’s position is set to (0,0,0):

Okay, updated also texture packer extension and it seems gone all back to normal :slight_smile:

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Good to hear that you got it working :+1:

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