Possible to bound an action to a region?

I was wondering if it is possible to make it so an action only happens if it is performed in a given location. For example I want an action to be performed on a mouse click but only when the mouse click is in a square, bound by x and y coordinates. Is this possible? How would I do it?

Certainly possible, there are all kinds of ways to achieve it. Here is a very simple example.

	if action.released and action_id == hash("touch") then
		if action.x > 0 and action.x < 100 and action.y > 0 and action.y < 100 then
			--do stuff

For GUI, I recommend you read up on gui.pick_node().

See this thread to understand the different types of coordinates returned in an input action.


Another approach is to use trigger collision objects and put small collision object at place of mouse click to get trigger_response message.