I found a possible bug. I have a Notebook with a swisskeyboard. I am using Linux. It seems I can’t write the ~ symbol in Defold, eventought it works generally. I am writing this topic on the same notebook and i have no problem to type the ~ symbol. But it doesn’t work in Defold
Hi! We have some issues with certain keyboard, more specifically those with a completely different layout such as Dvorak, but it might be that the problem extends to other keyboards as well.
thank you. well, i might investigate further but right now my workaround is that i mapped the right ctrl key to switch keyboard layout to us and back to swiss…with us keylayout i can write ~ in defold
Just in case somebody has the same problem, i found a good workaround (at least for linux-users).
the problem seems to be, that for some keyboardlayouts (for example swisslayout), you need to press the right ctrl key and the key next to backspace…after that you need to press space to generate the tilde-symbol (~). This seems not to work with the defold editor.
i just made acopy of the swisskeyboardlayoutfile and changed a key, which i never use to the (~). if you want to change a keyboard layout, the name of the ~-symbol is asciitilde.
Interesting. The issue seems to be that some layouts simply input the tilde but others use it as a dead character which requires another character to combine it with (which allows you to write letters like ñ). It seems to be specific to tilde, though, as the Czech layout uses a couple of dead characters (ˇ,´ and ¨) and there are no issues with those in Defold.
Pseudoedit: I’ve installed German (Swiss) layout on my computer and tilde is inserted as described in the OP (though I use AltGr as I’m on Windows). It works perfectly on the forums, though in Defold it inputs ~^ for some reason (^ is the dead character that is the result of that key without using AltGr). This makes it impossible to use the key to write ñ (as it tries to combine the tilde with the ^, resulting in ~^n) but tilde itself isn’t a problem, though it’s a bit unwieldy.
I wonder if this is because the OP uses a different Swiss layout (French(Swiss) maybe?), or that the issue manifests in a different way on Linux.
@Klear: Thank you for checking the issue on your computer. I agree, it really seem to be a problem when tilde will be used as “dead character” and you have to press another key…for example space to let it apear as ~ or n to let it appear like ñ. If I change a key to print out asciitilde (not als dead character) it works flawlessy under defold. otherwise i doesnt work at all. Unfortunately i have no access to a windows-machine to investigate further