To jump to the end, the actual problem I am trying to solve is getting text-to-speech, and am exploring using Amazon Polly or Google translate.
But the specific problem right now is how to get a loaded sound file onto a game object so that it can be played. I can load the file (sys.get_save_file, http.request,,“wb”), <>:write()) and the loaded version plays from the file system. (Image fetch works as well.) But I cannot figure out how to attach that file path into a game object to which I can send the message “play_sound” (either changing sound file or using a factory). (I will have the same problem with images loaded from URL, a key feature of many of my apps.) I assume I cannot save the files directly into my ‘images’ or ‘audio’ directory, right (and even then, how to insert images into the right atlas)?
What am I missing? Isn’t there a way to use dynamically-fetched sounds and images?