Pausing game

Yes the background is in the same proxy collection, and the player ship is meant to move when i press W,A,S,D. I could perhaps send the zip file of my project to you on discord

Does your player scipt contains".", “acquire_input_focus”) ?



In the last image dosn’t seem that you adding amount to the movement, like in the one above “pos.x = pos.x + speed * dt”

are you talking about the background script?

Which image do you mean?

like this?

No, sry my bad. You are adding but are you chaning the self.direction in the input func?

Also, take a look at this Can't get input in collection proxy
Maybe that’s the problem

Sorry im quite confused, im a complete beginner at defold and games development

So im not too good at explaining my issues. Do you have discord where i could send my project?

UPDATE: he sent me the project, didn’t build on my end. Hard to tell for me rn

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Still having no luck solving this issue 9 days later.

Is it able to attach your minimum source zip here?

You want me to send a zip folder of my project?

Update: apologies i meant that is is solved now*

Related question, can setting timesteps pause timers? What would you do if you have timers running with time.delay and want to pause them where they are and continue them after?

I think timers are paused too? At least if they’re created from a script in the collection.