i was not sure if I should post it here or not but my entire Editor is not working anymore and i get:
Nothing is shown anymore in the outline aswell.
Also i cannot click anymore in the Editor:
This is in top of everything and i can click nothing:
It all started by me adding a Gameobject and adding a model to this Object since then nothing works anymore:
I did report this but I have no idea how to categorize this.
Could you share a small project that shows the error that perhaps we can look at?
I had to remove the collection where the GO with the Model was since that caused all to brick i did download the collection that was the error.
name: "forest_level"
instances {
id: "character_spawner"
prototype: "/main/characters/character_spawner.go"
scale_along_z: 0
embedded_instances {
id: "level"
children: "go"
data: "components {\n"
" id: \"game_controller\"\n"
" component: \"/main/game_controller.script\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"level_1\"\n"
" component: \"/main/level_1.tilemap\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"spawn_controller\"\n"
" component: \"/main/spawn_controller.script\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"forest_level\"\n"
" component: \"/main/level/forest/forest_level.sound\"\n"
"embedded_components {\n"
" id: \"enemies_collectionproxy\"\n"
" type: \"collectionproxy\"\n"
" data: \"collection: \\\"/main/enemies/enemies.collection\\\"\\n"
"embedded_components {\n"
" id: \"enemy_factory\"\n"
" type: \"factory\"\n"
" data: \"prototype: \\\"/main/enemies/skeleton/skeleton.go\\\"\\n"
"dynamic_prototype: true\\n"
"embedded_components {\n"
" id: \"coins_collectionproxy\"\n"
" type: \"collectionproxy\"\n"
" data: \"collection: \\\"/main/objects/coins/coins.collection\\\"\\n"
scale3 {
x: 1.210396
y: 1.160113
embedded_instances {
id: "gui"
data: "components {\n"
" id: \"exp_bar_gui\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/exp_bar/exp_bar_gui.gui\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"health_bar_gui\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/health_bar/health_bar_gui.gui\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"timer\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/timer/timer.gui\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"weapons\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/weapons/weapons.gui\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"debug\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/debug_gui/debug.gui\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"coins\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/coins/coins.gui\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"portrait\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/portrait/portrait.gui\"\n"
"components {\n"
" id: \"special_bar\"\n"
" component: \"/main/gui/special_bar/special_bar.gui\"\n"
embedded_instances {
id: "go"
data: "embedded_components {\n"
" id: \"model\"\n"
" type: \"model\"\n"
" data: \"mesh: \\\"/builtins/assets/meshes/quad.dae\\\"\\n"
"name: \\\"{{NAME}}\\\"\\n"
"materials {\\n"
" name: \\\"default\\\"\\n"
" material: \\\"\\\"\\n"
" position {\n"
" x: 0.596683\n"
" y: 0.348386\n"
" }\n"
scale3 {
x: 720.0
y: 720.0
the last embedded_instances with the go caused so i could not use anything anymore.