Ocean Protector Release

Hello everyone!

I am happy to share that the science education game I have been working on is now released and freely available to play via browser here:
Ocean Protector

A STEAM version is also available here:
STEAM Version

The game development was possible thanks to grant funding from the United States National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The game itself is geared toward helping middle school students learn about ocean acidification and ways to help prevent it. Through a series of interactive decisions and evaluations, students will learn about the causes and effects of ocean acidification and evaluate solutions that can help reduce its impact on marine ecosystems and people.

With this post I mainly wanted to say thank you to the Defold Foundation and developers for such an excellent and optimized engine that is fun and powerful to use! My federal grant liaisons were particularly happy at the ease of cross platform distribution.

I also wanted to say thank you to the wonderful, positive, and helpful community, which includes the plethora of fantastic extensions.

Extensions Used (Thank You!)

What’s Next
With the game released, I am now working on helping with classroom demonstrations and providing post launch quality-of-life updates for the game.

In the following months I’m also planning to develop new educational games using Defold for any interested educators, museum, or community outreach folks (OutreachGames.org) :slight_smile:


Serious game is a nice way to use Defold, imho.


Indeed! Moreover, I will also be presenting a poster on the development of this game at a US national Earth Science conference in October :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome work! :slight_smile:


Thanks! I’m looking forward to highlighting how useful and efficient Defold is in my presentation as well.


Much appreciated! :smiley:

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