Now Defold Proto buffers implemented in python

Hi All ,
I want to share Great news :
Defold Proto files are now accessed from python api :
check pip install pydefold
Any one has a need for more info contact me on .
I have implemented also for the editor an api which match same behavior of the Defold editor ,and is very stable allow to get rid of editor and create your game : collections , materials …etc from only python .
i am on the road of implementing the editor inside blender but the road is very long , any one want be help and support are welcome , were are on the goal of create your defold game inside blender and build it and run it inside blender also .
for demo show the editor has implented like this demo show :

Defold Python Api :

the Defold Python Api , is made in python , here is how to use it :

Create a defold project :

import os 
from Defold import Editor
game_name = "test"
game_path = os.path.join(Editor.config['Projects']['dir'] , game_name)
game =Editor.newproject(game_name) if not os.path.exists(game_path) else Editor.project(game_path)
c = game.newCollection(name = "main")

Create sript and add it to a game object :

c = game.newCollection(name = "main")
go = c.addGameObject(id = "go")
# this will create /main/logic.script 
script = go.addScriptFile(id = "logic")
# this will set the current lua code to this content if already exists else it will write current content in the new created script file
script.filename = "/main/mmm.script"
# this will overide script code 
script.script = '-----lua code goes here'

Creating Material :

modelMaterial= game.newMaterial(name = "pbr" , tags = ['model'])
modelMaterial.setfragment_constant(name = 'tint' , typ='User')
modelMaterial.vp = ''' 
    attribute highp vec4 position;
    attribute mediump vec2 texcoord0;
    attribute mediump vec3 normal;

    uniform mediump mat4 mtx_worldview;
    uniform mediump mat4 mtx_view;
    uniform mediump mat4 mtx_proj;
    uniform mediump mat4 mtx_normal;
    uniform mediump vec4 light;

    varying highp vec4 var_position;
    varying mediump vec3 var_normal;
    varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord0;
    varying mediump vec4 var_light;

    void main()
        vec4 p = mtx_worldview * vec4(, 1.0);
        var_light = mtx_view * vec4(, 1.0);
        var_position = p;
        var_texcoord0 = texcoord0;
        var_normal = normalize((mtx_normal * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz);
        gl_Position = mtx_proj * p;
modelMaterial.fp = ''' 
    varying highp vec4 var_position;
    varying mediump vec3 var_normal;
    varying mediump vec2 var_texcoord0;
    varying mediump vec4 var_light;

    uniform lowp sampler2D tex0;
    uniform lowp vec4 tint;

    void main()
        // Pre-multiply alpha since all runtime textures already are
        vec4 tint_pm = vec4( * tint.w, tint.w);
        vec4 color = texture2D(tex0, var_texcoord0.xy) ;

        // Diffuse light calculations
        vec3 ambient_light = vec3(0.2);
        vec3 diff_light = vec3(normalize( -;
        diff_light = max(dot(var_normal,diff_light), 0.0) + ambient_light;
        diff_light = clamp(diff_light, 0.0, 1.0);

        gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb*diff_light,1.0);

Creating game object :

c = game.newCollection(name = "main")
go = c.addGameObject(id = "go")
	x = game.gameproject.display.width * 0.5  , y = game.gameproject.display.height * 0.5 
	x = game.gameproject.display.width * 0.5  , y = game.gameproject.display.height * 0.5 
go2 = go.addGameObject(id = "go2")