No default skin found!

Hello there,

I’m trying to implement a Spine model in my game, but when compiling for iOS I get the following message:

No default skin found !

I cannot find where I should set a default skin.

I already set a default animation and skin in my spine model.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Which version of spine?

This mb can help you 3.8.78 spine version crush (android bundle)

Thanks @d954mas

I found and easier way to solve it.

The problem was that all the slots in my spine model had a skin placeholder, therefore I didn’t have any default skin for the model. To solve that, I added a slot to the root and place there the shadow of my character. This slot doesn’t require a skin placeholder after all since it won’t change. I assume even an empty slot would do the trick.



Unfortunately empty slot won’t work.

I put the same texture with alpha value set to 0 to set it as default.