No bundle for iOS?

Im trying to bundle the project for IOS but I dont see that it has any ios bundle why?

EDIT: I think because apple updated their tools

In the editor, choose “Project -> Bundle -> iOS Application…”
You need to be running on macOS.

Wait I need to have a mac to bundle to IOS?

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Yep. For now you need Mac OS to bundle. There is a discussion about this feature request in another topic.

Rip life


what if I use a VM mac?

I haven’t tried it, but I think it should work.

I’ve found a guide on how to install Mac OS Sierra on VMWare in Windows:

Another option is to use this service:

If all of this does not work, you can probably pick up an inexpensive Mac Mini (new, used or refurbished). That way you can do all of your work on Windows and use the Mac when you need to sign/bundle to iOS.

This doesn’t work either. I tried it. Defold won’t launch which I suspect is due to OpenGL support in Mac guests.

It’s a shame because I used to build for Corona using a Mac vm, even though it was too slow to develop on, it was great for builds.

why apple are so mean :frowning:

You should be able to bundle from the command line though.

Britzl is there any progress on making iOS bundle with Windows?

No, at least not from our end. We are not working on making iOS bundling a possibility on Windows.


:frowning: damn