im trying to add admob to my game.
I did everything from this site:
Now i get one error after another if i bundle and i dont know what to do. Can you guys pls help me?
Error Message:
“D:\Eigene Dateien\Defold\DontGetCrushed\admob\AndroidManifest.xml (Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden)” (The system cant find the given path)
I understand it cant find it, because it does not exist. But i can see the file in my editor.
title = DontGetCrushed
version = 0.1
dependencies = https://github.com/defold/extension-admob/archive/v1.0.zip
bundle_resources = /res
main_collection = /main/main.collection
game_binding = /input/game.input_bindingc
width = 720
height = 1280
scale = 0.02
shared_state = 1
app_id = E3E15404C88C69AC
splash_image = /splash_img.png
package = com.justiudios.dontgetcurshed
immersive_mode = 0
manifest = /admob/AndroidManifest.xml
bundle_identifier = com.justiudios.dontgetcurshed
app_id_ios = ca-app-pub-1231231231231231~1111111111
app_id_android = ca-app-pub-1231231231231231~2222222222
app_manifest = /game.appmanifest