Hello Defold Believers
I’m working on AABB Tree native extension for handling broad phase collision detection in my game. Planning to use it for culling of offscreen objects and trigger events. It is just a wrapper of AABB.cc . Also I’m planning to add narrow-phase collision detection into it like swept aabb. I’m not a C++ guy so doing this blindly
Actively working on it, here is my dev branch: https://github.com/selimanac/DAABBCC/tree/dev
Need help!
1) Windows Build
I need help for building AABB.cc library on Windows. I manage to build it for MacOS and Linux. But unfortunately, I don’t have a “Windoz” box.
I removed unnecessary stuff like python wrapper and docs for Doxygen from original lib. Here is my build/make files: https://github.com/selimanac/aabbcc/tree/defoldWrapper
2) On init solution
Correct flow for lib is;
a- createTree
b- insert aabb’s in the created tree.
But as you can think of it is not possible to creating and inserting at the same time in the init of different scripts.
Script 1:
- Create “balls” tree on Init
Script 2:
- Insert aabb into “balls” on Init
Is there any solution/suggestion for this? Of course sending a message to script 2 is a solution. But I’m curious about if it’s possible to do it on init.
3) More tests needed
Since I have a limited hardware, this lib is definitely need more testing on different device and platforms. I’ll be glad if you can share your results
Any help or suggestion a specially for performance improvement would be most welcome