More than 64 fonts in the same gui causes a crash

see: more than 64 fonts in the same gui causes a crash · Issue #8810 · defold/defold · GitHub

Describe the bug

when putting more than 64 fonts in the game gui, it will cause a crash with the following error

ERROR:GAMESYS: Unable to add font 'font_name' to scene (-4)
WARNING:RESOURCE: Unable to create resource: /main/main.collectionc: FORMAT_ERROR

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a gui
  2. add more than 64 fonts
  3. try to run the game

Expected behavior (REQUIRED)

The engine does not crash

Defold version

  • Version 1.7.0

Platforms (REQUIRED):

  • Windows 10 x64

You don’t have to report github issues in the forum. We read the issues on github several times per week.

oh, ok
there’s a bugs tab, so i figured i would put it here

Yeah, it’s more for asking about potential new bugs :slight_smile:

ahh, got it.
noted for future reference

I’m asking this out of pure curiosity; How did you end up with that many fonts?

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for my project i have to make any font that could be used ahead of time, since the engine doesn’t allow them to be made at runtime.

i’ve had to severely cut down on them, even, but currently:
2 font faces (monospaced, sans-serif)
4 font styles (regular, bold, italic, bold italic)
2 outline styles (none, outlined)
4 font sizes

Is it better to use scale on text nodes instead of font variants?

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well, the last time i used a really big font (if it’s not bigger, then the font will look bad when you upscale it), it used all the cache and also led to the UI failing to load properly

It seems you are using Bitmap fonts? You can try Distance Field fonts which could keep your texts display well on scaling

yeah, using a distance field frees up some slots, but those are quickly backfilled again

Ah I see! That will indeed quickly add up. Thanks.