Hey everyone!
We’d like to share our new game Monkey Mart:
Time to give thanks:
First of all, thanks Defold team for this awesome engine!
Hope this small game will show other developers what you can made with Defold.
Extensions that we use in the game:
In all our projects we use the Orthographic Camera by @britzl
The magic extension ResZip for keeping the build with small size and download an additional content later, by @aglitchman
The Poki SDK extension by @AGulev
The library for using utf8, used to output Cyrillic by @d954mas
Algorithm for finding path A-star by @selimanac
A module to help you save / load config and player data by @Pkeod
Thank you guys! and of course thanks Poki for great platform where you can publish web games.
What need to do:
- Add more languages support (at least DE/ES/TR/IT/FR)
- More updates (are you looking for?)
- Mobile release, zero experience here, we have to research this way, with a publisher of course, first we need to find it.
- Some work with the optimization, that’s related the sorting spine and sprite (Batching Drawcalls Go Sprite with Go Spine)
- Some issues with the save data progress, still researching it. Some players lose the progress, we haven’t yet understood what it depends on.
Topics I would like to bring up for discussion:
My favorite
The texture compression! we’re still waiting the awesome comppression that removed from 1.2.179 version.
https://github.com/defold/defold/issues/5938 -
The ability to automatically put Live Update’s zip file in the bundle directory when publishing the game from Defold IDE.
Guys, remember to give in this issues, you too will face this need sooner or later!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.