Masterbil Brain Games

Hello All,
This is the my first game and I did it with Defold. I uploaded it on Play Store. It was quite hard for me to manage it, but with many struggles finally done.
It has more than 100 brain games. There are 3 different age options from 6 to 99 :). And you can change it when ever you want. According to user age the questions and hardness is changing. There are exercises and tests. With tests you can compare yourself with other users. There are 60 tests for all age totally 180 tests.
There are Math,Memory,Attention,Logic games in it.
It has a web page and i am keep trucking of user progresses on
I mostly used the gui scripts while doing it.
Upload progress to Play Store was not easy since they have family policies and you have to do how they want it. Now it has 3 languages Turkish,English and German. ( I should admit that German Language is not well but from time to time i will make it better).
You can check it out from here and maybe you can give advises to make it better. Hope you enjoy it. And finally Thank You Defold.


Are you turkish? Because websites language Turkish.


Yes I am Yiğit:)


Fantastic! Thank you for sharing the story! I’ll make sure to include the game in our next newsletter.

Thanks britzl. Your resources about Defold realy helped me alot. Thank you for sharing them.

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