Luajit-32.exe problem on Windows with McAfee Antivirus

If McAfee is flagging luajit-32.exe despite that the file is signed with a valid EV Code Signing certificate then you have two options:

  1. Submit it as a false positive:
  2. Switch to another antivirus solution

Yes, it is digitally signed. I have confirmed

Well, not sure what to do then. Have you submitted the file to that url?

We have one task which we’ll start working on soon and that is to unpack the files to the same folder each time (or at least per release). This will help with white-listing of files and it might help with building file reputation (even though EV Code Signing certs should bypass reputation) and whatever score antivirus software assign to files which it scans.

Have submitted the file. Let’s see how it goes.

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Good news, I has reinstall the 1.6.1 version and update to 1.6.2 version and with both of them McAfee allow run luajit-32 without problems… :upside_down_face:

Yup. @britzl McAfee had actually responded yesterday. They have whitelisted the file


That’s good to hear! :tada:


Unfortunately this issue still exists on my end.

Sorry to hear that, but i honestly dont know what we can do to solve it.

Yup. The antivirus block seems to be back. Kind of makes me contemplate replacing McAfee with another “more sane” Antivirus. Anyone has a recommendation? :smile:

I just use the default, windows defender, I have convinced myself that nothing extra is needed (Win 10). I mostly use Ubuntu, so any risk is lower for me in any case.


Window Defender is a fine antivirus solution. Third party antivirus solutions are more of a liability than an asset these days.