The mobile game is completely built, I just need someone to modify the project a bit. I’ll list what I need to get done below:
Integrate ad mediation service
-Add my ids into the game for certain buttons (ex. Remove ad button/IAP and Rate us button that are already in the game)
Upload the app to android and IOS
After a user uses the Reward video ad, start a countdown from 3 after they exit the ad to use their extra life
In the game, when a player loses and declines the ad for extra life, the ad automatically plays and can lead to users accidentally clicking into the ad. I need to have a message either letting the user know they are about to get an ad or in the level, have a message saying ad will play after this level.
If you have any questions about anything, please let me know as Id like to get this project started asap.
I’m sure there are a number of developers in the community that would be able to take on this project. To increase your chance of finding someone then maybe consider fleshing out the work specification a bit:
Which one did you have in mind?
You already have existing Google Play and App Store developer accounts? If I were you I’d either ask the subcontractor to deliver .abb and .ipa files and do the uploads myself, or I’d approach a publisher and let the publisher deal with the whole release process.
Yes of course, I’ll answer your two questions below.
It can be any mediation service the developer is comfortable with, but preferably Appodeals.
And as for the AppStore question, I already have both an iOS and google play developer accounts ready to have the apps published on.
If any developer sees this and knows how to integrate an ad mediation service and upload the app, please dm me as I’m looking to get the app uploaded even without those features I mentioned added.
Came upon your post and figured I would respond and see if you were still in need of assistance. Did some background research prior to responding and believe I could be of assistance.