Look Your Loot aka Hamster

After Defold’s servers was rebooted (Nov 9) one of extensions that I usage in project no longer compiles in ctrl+B mode (dmengine, win10) .

It works without errors in HTML5 and Android bundle. And it worked before Nov 9.
What could it be?

Extension has no recent changes on github.

Hmm, that sounds extremely unfortunate. What extension is it, DefUnityAds? And what is the error? (I can only see the top of the log in your screenshot)

yes, DefUnityAds

Defold log file:
editor2.2017-11-13.log.zip (15.2 KB)

Hmm, It basically complains about missing a symbol “share” which seems extremely generic, and doesn’t sound like a symbol someone would use.

I’ve tried this a few times now but cannot reproduce it :confused:

Would you mind adding me to your project temporarily, then I could take a look? (mathias.westerdahl at king dot com)

EDIT: I looked through your log even further, and it seems you use a “share” extension? Is it this? That code doesn’t seem to support windows (yet)? Perhaps you can ask (or help) @britzl adding that support?

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oops, yes, I added “share” in the same time (Nov 9)


Just modified share.cpp with #else like in this instruction: Native Extensions
and all is correct now. Thanks @Mathias_Westerdahl !


It looks like “share” button is working


0.82 is here!

  • Welcome a new hero - the Thief
  • Less ad impressions inbetween game sessions
  • Small improvements (in balance)

Wearing a face-hiding mask, he always has a bunch of keys in his hand. Attentive and careful to such extent that he likely never meets a monster in a barrel.

p.s. also tried to made small protection from leaderboard cheaters.


Is keys really that good? I haven’t tried him out yet but it feels like he will be a lot worse than the Mage for sure and maybe even the Knight. Maybe he can avoid traps too? Being all sneaky and stuff :smiley:

EDIT: First thing I do after saying that is of course to die from the chest…


barrels, barrels without monsters are goal of this class.


It looks like we got new weekly leader! The player from Bulgaria

Also took a first stats from Google Analytics to the Thief:

1426 in average. This value is accurate between average mage and paladin values:

Fixed the unfortunate misunderstanding with the Thief leaderboard. Now there is correct aggregation method: Maximum (always use the highest value) as in other leaderboards.


Switched dragosha.com to github static pages. May be unavailable some time.


Seems that the dummy-protection from leaderboard cheaters is working. There aren’t new cheats in leaderboard for last day.

How does works “leaderboards hack program for dummy”? I think they just scaning the memory scope to find a score value. If I see on screen 100 - I just search for 100 in memory.
What I did to break this logic? I’ve just hide the value of score variable in code by adding random hash to begining score value and substract this hash from value before sent it to server. Easy? Yep. For crack this young hacker needs for reading the code. It’s hard.


I guess, it’s good idea to show the share button with “screenshot” when there is the last turn in game. For moments like this


Time to make match-3 game:


Just tried to how 4x4 works:

The game logic a bit hardcoded for 3x3 and needs for refactoring for works properly.

p.s. Also on this video may seen the wrong game speed. Too much fast. Perhaps Vsync don’t works. All ok on my office PC with Nvidia and incorrect on home PC with AMD video card.


Well, I protected coins variable from cheat, but bad guys have found new door for cheating. What the wonderful people, now them add big value to multiplicator variable :man_facepalming:

Dev news:

all translations from community people. Awesome!

And some app stats:
85K installs
Retention :


how do you facilitate translation fro the tech side?
Any plugins that you used?

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There are no magic secrets, I just use the Export Sheet Data plugin for Google.sheets for JSON generation:

and Lua module for geting strings from the code

-- Some gui_script:
local txt = require "main.txt"
gui.set_text(gui.get_node("l_achievements"), txt.get.achievements)
-- txt.lua:
local M={}

function M.init()
    -- Load level data into a string
    local data = sys.load_resource("/res/LookYourLoot texts - texts.json")
    -- Decode json string to a Lua table
    M.texts = json.decode(data)

function M.setLanguage(str)
    print("Set language to:",str)
    local ret
    if  str=="ru" or str=="hu" or str=="de" or str=="pt" or str=="pl" or str=="uk" or str=="cs" then
    local lang=string.upper(ret)
    for k,v in pairs(M.texts) do

    return ret
return M

-- first init script in the game:
	if game.language==nil or game.language=="" then
		local info = sys.get_sys_info()

The plan:

There will be two game mode.
Classic mode like now. 3*3, heroes, etc.
Will add: the inventory. Here the player can equip selected hero with rare cards. Maximum 3 simultaneously.
After Boss was killed the game will show new screen. Choice one card from 2. Most of this cards have effects in current session only, but there is very small chance to get a rare card too.
Cards example:

  • big pack of coins
  • +1 to increase loot multiplier (without increasing the game’s difficulty)
  • potion of full health
  • shield with power 20
  • increasing chance to get a fireball
  • increasing chance to get a barrel
  • freezing all monsters at the board (-2hp, 10 turnes)
  • etc.

The chest after Boss will remain, but there is no “award”, just level treasure.

The achievements will have the prizes (coins or rare card depends from achievement).

Mini games
There are pack of indepented games. All of them need to coins for play. And have the rare cards as prize.
example of games:

  • 54 cards. You have a deck and need to draft it all to win.
  • 4x4 golden rush. Coins, traps, barrels and poison. Leaderboard will summ all games each hour, then will reset and give a prize to top 10 players.
  • picklock master. Infinity picklock games with increasing the game’s difficulty from chest to chest. Each happy turn will get +1 coins, each chest will increase multiplier. One fail = death.

So, the game have a loop of coins and rare cards.