Loading custom images on sprites is tedious and unwieldy

I’m trying to make a sort of a trading card game thing for the perk selection screen of our game. Something like this:

I want those polaroids to have custom images and that’s proving to be quite difficult.

Problem #1: Just loading a texture from a PNG requires you to jump through at least one unnecessary conversion and allocation because resource.* functions work with buffers and image.load works with strings. This is slightly better when working with GUI nodes, because gui.new_texture accepts a string, but the inconsistency is still annoying.

Here’s what you have to do to get an image to load:

    local data = sys.load_resource("/episodes/perks/" .. polaroid.perk .. ".png")
    if data then
      local img = image.load(data, true)
      local texture_path = go.get(msg.url(url.socket, url.path, "image"), "texture0")
      local header = {
        width = img.width,
        height = img.height,
        type = resource.TEXTURE_TYPE_2D,
        format = resource.TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA,
      -- There is no API to copy a string into a buffer stream
      local src_string = img.buffer
      local rgb_buffer = buffer.create(#src_string, {
        { name = hash("data"), type=buffer.VALUE_TYPE_UINT8, count = 1 }
      local stream = buffer.get_stream(rgb_buffer, hash("data"))
      for i = 1, #src_string do
        stream[i] = string.byte(src_string, i)

      resource.set_texture(texture_path, header, rgb_buffer)

Problem #2: There is no way of creating textures at runtime as you can do in GUI. I can only replace an already existing texture, which means I have to create a different empty atlas for each of those polaroids (there can be max 14 of them on the screen at the same time), costing me memory, loading time and manual labor :laughing: , which would then just get replaced. Not to mention I have to juggle with a power of two empty image in those atlases just to get my texture coords to stick to [0, 1], and then scale that.

I find it great that you can even go this far, but is there any simpler way of doing this? If not, are there any plans to work on this API?


Yes, that’s not an optimal workflow for sure. Being able to create a texture at run-time for game objects would be very useful. @andreas.tadic, any plans to add this?


Any plan for this?

Is this what you want? ImageLoader - native extension for JPG and PNG