Live Update crash when to turn off then turn on the network

Live Update crash when to turn off then turn on the network in loading process

Failed to store resource data: 764ac53922241ab21aee4e2197895237f4bfe198
Byte mismatch in decrypted manifest signature. Different keys used for signing?
The liveupdate resource could not be verified, header information is missing for resource: 764ac53922241ab21aee4e2197895237f4bfe198

The file on which the network broke off comes with a status of 304 (not changed)

Maybe it’s possible to somehow clear the network cache? Or what could be the problem? Thanks!

Not sure what you mean here. Did your internet connection go down while you were downloading the manifests in the engine?

The engine should of course not crash because of this though, so that’s a bug.
The files are store in the application support path which is different for each platform.
On Windows it’s the %APPDATA% folder. Look for a subfolder with the project name and you should find you saved files there.

You say it crashes, do you get any logs at all?
Those would be helpful to see.


Thank you for you answer.
I do tests on the android device. Everything works great, except for one point - when I disconnect the network during loading, then turn on the network - an error occurs when defold try to place the resource in storage.

Something like this code I use:

function callback(self, resource_hash, status)
-- here i get status = false
   if status == true then
		print("Resource data stored: " .. resource_hash)
		print("Failed to store resource data: " .. resource_hash)
http.request(BASE_URL .. resource_hash, "GET", function(self, id, response)
  if response.status == 200 or  response.status == 304 then
    local manifest = resource.get_current_manifest()
    print("storing " .. resource_hash)
    resource.store_resource(manifest, response.response, resource_hash, callback)

50 files are loading, but some of the files (3-4) do not want to be resource.store_resource:

DEBUG:SCRIPT: storing 3e97f57aec724d529244e84861db8cf19ae87100
DEBUG:SCRIPT: Failed to store resource data: 764ac53922241ab21aee4e2197895237f4bfe198
ERROR:RESOURCE: Byte mismatch in decrypted manifest signature. Different keys used for signing?
ERROR:LIVEUPDATE: Verification failure for Liveupdate archive for resource: 3e97f57aec724d529244e84861db8cf19ae87100
DEBUG:SCRIPT: Failed to store resource data: 3e97f57aec724d529244e84861db8cf19ae87100
DEBUG:SCRIPT: storing 297f56ccd5f87867fb844699753be34cb5c0727e
ERROR:RESOURCE: Byte mismatch in decrypted manifest signature. Different keys used for signing?
ERROR:LIVEUPDATE: Verification failure for Liveupdate archive for resource: 297f56ccd5f87867fb844699753be34cb5c0727e
DEBUG:SCRIPT: storing 764ac53922241ab21aee4e2197895237f4bfe198
ERROR:GAMESYS: The liveupdate resource could not be verified, header information is missing for resource: 764ac53922241ab21aee4e2197895237f4bfe198
DEBUG:SCRIPT: Failed to store resource data: 297f56ccd5f87867fb844699753be34cb5c0727e

I assume that these are files on the download of which I turned off the network. They have a status of 304 (not modified) and do not want to be resource.store_resource

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