I am using neovim as external source editor. I was tired to alt-tab to Defold and then alt-tab again to the source editor after quitting the game window.
So i’ve made this little script, for Linux/Xorg and assigned it to F5 key within neovim (for sure you can assign key with your favorite text editor).
Now i have just to press F5 from neovim and it runs the game , and then come back to neovim when the game is closed.
org=$(xdotool getactivewindow)
defold=$(xdotool search --name "Defold [12]\.")
if [ "$defold" != "" ]; then
xdotool windowfocus "$defold"
xdotool key F5
xdotool windowfocus "$org"
echo "Pas de fenêtre Defold trouvée."
Make sur xdotool
command is installed (with my distribution, it’s in xdotool package)