Labyrinth: a retro dungeon crawler with a twisted maze!

Labyrinth is a light dungeon crawler with a retro feel and aesthetic, set in a maze full of enemies and obstacles. Collect tools and weapons to fight your way out of the tunnels! Look around for keys; deeper into the maze loom dangers guarded by a lock. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your weapons, in different situations certain ones will turn out quite useful. Part of the challenge of the game is not getting lost; earthquakes will wipe your map of where you’ve been every once in a while, so make sure to remember your surroundings while you’re fighting!

I’ve been learning the ins and outs of game development for a while, but this is the first time I’ve actually put together a project and brought it to completion! If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding Labyrinth I’ll gladly consider it!

Labyrinth is available on, and soon on the App Store!

Edit: adding the pictures and whatnot right now


Some of the sounds have distortions or are harsh and should be improved. The music is a little too repetitive. For something atmospheric quickly, you could apply paulstretch to your existing music. Maybe post on /r/gamedev and see if an audio guy would be interested to help.

When I played I’d often fall down holes in rooms with with no monsters thinking I could go to a room below, or falling into a hole just before mobs spawned.

Maybe apply a hue shift, color map, or shader tint to your existing tiles to create some random color variations. You may even consider applying a gradient map type shader to the tiles layer and change that based on the zone.

On Windows, that extra black window is still a problem, but this is a Defold problem.


What causes that extra black console window in this case?


Defold compiles games to a command line win32 program; by default the command prompt window is shown regardless of any created Windows.

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Ah, that makes sense. I hope that’s on the list to get fixed, because it’s rather obnoxious. I really wish we could the internal Jira to get a sense of what’s on the agenda and what’s known and what’s not.


I modified the game.projectc to enable fullscreen, and it seems to work well enough. Maybe add some ability in game to close the game as even alt+f4 doesn’t work in fullscreen (although you can’t detect that still I think…).

Add “Press Enter To Confirm” on settings screen?

Add some soft, subtle sounds when jumping / landing / hitting head on walls.

If the window is wide enough the death fade won’t fill it.


Thanks, all good feedback! I just finished setting my dorm up and the next few weeks are going to be a little packed, but if I end up with some time where there aren’t other things I should be doing I’ll try to address as much of what you’ve mentioned as I can.


Some feedback:

  • I’d like to be able to exit the About screen in a more intuitive way. I can only exit the about screen from the first page. ESC key would be the obvious choice I think.

  • I’d like to be able to exit the settings screen using ESC as well. Using the enter key doesn’t feel intuitive.

  • I’m struggling a bit with the keybindings. I think this is really a personal thing, but I’ve never really become friends with platformer games where you move and jump using wasd or arrow keys. I prefer jump being separated from the left and right movement. For me it works better to let arrow keys to move left/right and up/down ladders and then have jump+attack on something like Z and X. BTW can you play using a game pad?