Keyframes and Curve Editor

Is it possible to use the curve editor to animate parameters of a GO? It would be great to generate custom animation for both GUI and Sprite objects.

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As far as I’m aware, the curve editor is only used with particles in the Defold Editor.

This example from the docs shows a custom easing curve.

function init(self)
     local values = { 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 1,}
     local vec = vmath.vector(values)
     go.animate("go", "position.y", go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG, 100, vec, 2.0)
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Yep, that’s why I was asking about the curve editor. That way it would be a no brainer animating simple movement for menus, etc directly in Defold (wink wink)